We are a technological innovation consultancy company with a highly qualified team. Helping organisations move more quickly into digital transformation.
Our Executive Team

Alexandre Rosa

Nelson Pereira

Luís Castro

Alberto Ferreira
Middle East & Asia Managing Director
With over 30 years of professional experience, Alberto embarked on his career in the Portuguese Navy. His unwavering passion for knowledge and continuous learning propelled him through various domains including telecommunications, technology, operations, and executive management. Having operated across more than 14 countries globally, he has seamlessly blended his professional endeavors with teaching roles in numerous higher education institutions. His extensive expertise spans telecommunications, IT, finance, energy, and utilities sectors.

Eduardo Amaral
Quality Management, DevOps & Automation Director
In his spare time, aside from his second profession as a full-time father, he likes playing sports, going to the beach, and seeing or reading about great leaders in history.

Gentil Paganella
Enterprise Application Integration Director
Playing padel, dancing, playing the accordion, fishing, being with family and friends are his favorite hobbies when he is not focused on the IT world.
“Everything’s worth doing if the soul of the doer isn’t small.” by Fernando Pessoa, is the most inspiring quote that motivates him to “solve problems, to innovate and to make things happen”.

José Carlos Pereira
Low-Code Solutions Director

José Ferreira
Managing Director - Brazil

José Pereira
IT Operations, Cloud & Security Senior Director

Luís Gonçalves
Data Analytics & AI Director

Micaela Gonçalves
Professional Services Director

Vasco Reina
Sales Senior Director
Over the last few years, I have challenged several organizations, from different industries, to move to the next level of transformation. It is with great enthusiasm that I accept the challenge of leading the Noesis team in Portugal. I am very confident in strengthening Noesis' growth and I believe that we can continue to offer innovative, high-quality technological solutions to our customers.

Ricardo Batista
Managing Director - UK & Ireland

Ricardo Rocha
Managing Director - North America & Head of Global Marketing

Rodolfo Bravo Pereira
Managing Director - Netherlands
At Noesis since 2011, Rodolfo has over 20 years of IT experience and is now the Managing Director at Noesis office in the Netherlands.
Rodolfo’s main mission is to give voice to Noesis’ talents in international markets, sharing the spirit of innovation, experience and energy that characterizes our DNA.
Obsessed with coherence, Rodolfo is focused on building trust, always with a positive attitude and humility and he is continuously dedicated to bring out the best in others.
Critical of inertia, Rodolfo loves playing Padel.

Rodolfo Luís Pereira
Enterprise Solutions Director